Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 17-23

What do you do when you can't sleep at night?  Do you stop trying for awhile and busy yourself with something?  Remedies for insomnia?  Comment below.


Kristie Kirk said...

Being a nurse I am often asked this very question. I feel that the most helpful things to aide in sleep are the natural ways. Warm milk, or camomille tea (decaf of course) can help to sooth and comfort a sleepless soul. Sometimes when I am faced with not being able to fall asleep I listen to the sounds of my home. This often leads to quiet time with God as I find myself thanking Him for the blessings He has give to me. More often than not I fall asleep naturally and unaided. I try to avoid sleep aides as the compounds used in them often leave one feeling drained, foggy and unable to focus in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Over the years, I have found that insomnia is God's way of getting my attention. Since the house is quite, I read my Bible and listen to what God wants me to know. The next day I try to go to bed early.

Jessica said...

When I can't sleep I often find myself called to talk to God. I don't turn on any lights, or read scripture, I just pray, just chat. Sometimes if I'm really restless physically, I get up and do some stretching on the floor. A few good relaxing yoga-esque stretches often calm my 'jumpy' body and ready me for sleep again. If all else fails, I move to another bed, that always works. : - )

WoW Connect! said...

Great ideas, ladies! Thank you for sharing. :)
